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This profile looks at pupil absence for children in North Yorkshire primary and secondary schools and the proportion of pupils with Special Educational Needs.

Pupil Absence

The proportion of half days missed by pupils due to overall absence (both authorised and unauthorised) in North Yorkshire is similar to England at 4.7%, and is similar to the Yorkshire & Humber average (5%). Harrogate has the lowest rate of pupil absence (4.4%), significantly lower than England. In contrast, Scarborough has the highest rate (6%), significantly higher than England. The proportion of overall absence has increased from 2013/14 to 2017/18 in the county, and this is in line with Yorkshire & Humber trends.

Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

The proportion of pupils aged 5-15 with SEN in North Yorkshire has increased slowly between 2016 and 2018. Despite the gap narrowing, the proportion remains significantly lower than England.
