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This profile looks at adults, children and households living in poverty across North Yorkshire. 

Deprivation Score

The 2015 Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) identifies 23 Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) of the 373 LSOAs in North Yorkshire which are amongst the 20% most deprived in England. These have a combined population of 39,000 people. Eighteen of these LSOA are in the Scarborough district and 28,000 people live in these areas. In Harrogate, more than 90% of LSOAs are in the least deprived half of the national distribution. In contrast, for Scarborough, 60% of LSOAs are in the most deprived half of the national distribution.

Children in low income families

Deprivation measures for specific groups show that wards in Scarborough have highest rates of overall deprivation, children in poverty and older people’s deprivation. In the county, around 17% of children are living in poverty after housing costs, lower than the national average of 27%. However, this rises to 45% in the Woodlands ward in Scarborough.

Older people in deprivation

Income deprivation in older people shows a similar pattern but with lower rates. Scarborough has the highest proportion of income deprivation in older people (16%). This is the same as England, but higher than North Yorkshire (11%).
