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This profile looks at death from drug misuse in North Yorkshire.

Deaths from drug misuse

Drug misuse is an important cause of premature morbidity in the UK. Recently, an increase nationally has been seen in drug related deaths. In North Yorkshire (4.4 deaths per 100,000 population), the rate of deaths from drug misuse in 2015-17 is not significantly different from England (4.3 per 100,000). As seen nationally, the rate in the county has increased slightly between 2014-16 and 2015-17. Since 2001-03, deaths from drug misuse in North Yorkshire have remained similar to England. Due to the small numbers, data on deaths from drug misuse are not available for all the districts in the county. For districts where data is available, the only district in the county with a rate higher than the England is Scarborough, at 11.3 per 100,000. Both Hambleton and Harrogate have rates that are statistically similar to England.
